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Belgrade School District Letterhead


Concerns/Complaint Form

The Belgrade School District takes pride in the partnerships we have with parents, staff, and our community. We work diligently to solve concerns as quickly as possible with a resolution for all parties. Please communicate any concern you have directly with school staff, and allow opportunities for a solution and resolution. If you feel like a resolution has not been reached in a timely manner, please complete and submit this form. Your complaint will be addressed by the appropriate school district personnel who will follow up with you directly. We appreciate our partnerships, and working together toward continued excellence.

The Uniform Complaint Procedure Policy (Policy 1700) can be found here


I wish to have the District address:

  • The services of:
  • This program:
  • This incident:

Date of occurrence:

This complaint must be filed within 30 calendar days of the occurrence. If there has been an attempt to resolve the issue informally, the complaint must be filed within 60 calendar days. 


Nature of complaint:

Description of incident:

District personnel involved (if applicable):

Resolution requested:

Efforts made to resolve informally:

Names of District personnel who were contacted:

Please check all that apply:

  • I am a student of Belgrade School District #44.
  • I am a parent/legal guardian of a student of Belgrade School District #44.
  • I am a resident within the boundaries of Belgrade School District #44.
  • I have observed the incident or have direct knowledge of the occurrence described.
  • I have been directly affected by this incident.

Expectation of privacy and confidentiality

Montana Law governs whether or not this document is a public document available for public review.



Phone Number:

Address, City, State, Zip:



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