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Coaches Handbook 2022-2023

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Belgrade Public Schools (School District #44) will make equal educational opportunities available for  all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier,  religious belief, physical or mental handicap or disability, economic or social condition, or actual or  potential marital or parental status. (School Board Policy 3210) 


The purpose of this guide is to establish rules, procedures, policies, and philosophy as it pertains to the  Belgrade School District Athletic and Activities Programs. The fundamental purpose of the  athletic/activities program is to facilitate development of:  

  • Sportsmanship,  
  • A sense of responsibility to themselves and others,  
  • A devotion to an athletic and/or activities assignment, 
    • Pride of accomplishment of a job done to the best of one’s ability, 
  • Sense of belonging to a group,  
    • Social values derived from contact with students and adults from other communities and 
  • Healthy behaviors of participants. 


  1. Coaches should have advanced knowledge of the activity they coach. It is an expectation  coaches will study and stay current with the fundamentals and techniques in their coaching  area. 
  2. Coaches are expected to have knowledge of the activities procedures. Coaches will be  required to enforce the training rules described in our Middle School or High School  Activities Participation Booklet. This may involve reporting a participant from another  activity that you know is in violation of the policy.  
  3. Understand and comply with the Montana High School Association (MHSA) rules that relate  to the activity. This handbook is available online at Montana High School  Association (MHSA) does not govern Middle School policy.  
  4. It is critical coaches understand the Belgrade School District academic eligibility  requirements. Reference Middle School or High School Activities Participation Booklet(s).  
  5. Understand and adhere to the district’s travel and meal policy. Exceptions will not be  accepted and violations of the policy will be handled through the disciplinary process.
  6. Coaches are expected to know the rules that pertain to the activity they coach. MHSA Rules Clinic completion is required annually for all High School coaches in the district prior to the  start of the season. It is highly recommended for all Middle School coaches. These clinics  are available online at 
  7. Understand procedures related to good coaching. Each high school coach and high school  volunteer coach is required to have completed the NFHS: Fundamentals of Coaching Course  at their own expense. This course’s certification is good for five years. It is recommended for  Middle School coaches. 
    • Fundamentals of Coaching Course can be used for: 
      • Recertification CEU’s offered through the district (or preferably MHSA) on an  ongoing basis 
      • Trade out for MEA Days for one year only. 
  8. All personnel involved with school physical activity supervision are required to complete the  NFHS Concussion Course.  
  9. Must have a current First Aid and CPR certification.  
  10. The administration is asking coaches to no longer make restrictions on in-season participants’  participation in off-season athletic activities. That decision will be up to the participants and  their parents. We would also like to ask that off-season coaches use some common sense in  the scope of the demands that are put on participants who are participating in a Belgrade  School in-season activity. This does not allow any participants to miss in season practices,  games, or meets in order to participate in off-season club activities. 


  1. Establish and enforce clear and reasonable rules for the participants. 
  2. Follow due process whenever disciplining a participant for a major infraction of the rules. 
  3. Properly supervise practices, locker rooms, weight room workouts, open gyms, or other  situations where participants are together to work on an activity. In no case should  participants be given keys to the facility and allowed to work out without supervision. 
  4. Instruct managers and videographers exactly what is expected of them. Make sure that  managers feel they are an important part of the team. 
  5. Provide a complete roster to the Athletic/Activities Director well in advance of the first  competition. If rosters change during the season provide an updated roster. 
  6. Ensure each participant has completed their Activities Participation Handbook and turned in  signature pages to the Athletics/Activities Office, prior to participating in the first practice.  This booklet contains: their signature stating they have read and agree with the policies stated herein, Informed Consent and Insurance verification, Medical Treatment/Release  Form, Student-Participants & Parent/Legal Guardian Concussion Statement and MHSA Pre Participation Physical Examination.  
  7. Assist in preparing competition areas for games or meets and assist in taking down  equipment after the event. Be responsible for cleanliness and neatness of the areas you use  and please check the area after each use.  
  8. Develop reasonable criteria for earning a letter in an activity and turn into the High School  Athletic/Activities Director prior to the season. Earning a varsity letter should signify the  participants was a valuable member of the varsity team. Keep an accurate record keeping  system to determine who earned a letter. Requirements for girls and boys activities should be  evaluated under the same criteria. 
  9. Communicate with the press professionally. Effective communication skills while speaking with the press is important for coaches. 
  10. Requisition supplies for the upcoming season by turning in a complete list to the  Athletic/Activities Director at the end of the season. Purchasing requires prior approval. 
  11. Report all injuries promptly on a district accident report form and notify the  Activities/Athletic Director.  
  12. Set reasonable practice times and adhere to them. If you have questions about whether your  practice times are reasonable ask the Athletic/Activities Director. 
  13. Attend coaches meetings as requested by the Head Coach, School Administrator, or  Athletic/Activities Director. If a Head Coach would like a meeting with the Middle School  coaches, s/he would inform the Middle School Athletic Director with a request.  
  14.  Attend the preseason parent/participant meeting. 
  15. Assist washing towels if using them and/or instruct the managers to assist. 
  16. Lock doors when leaving the facility and be sure lights are turned off.
  17. Ensure your keys remain in a safe location and do not lend them to students.


  1. Be responsible for the care of the equipment used in an activity. Be sure that uniforms are  locked up at all times. 
  2. Develop a system for checking out equipment to participants. Collect all equipment from  participants at the end of the season. If participants refuse to cooperate and turn in equipment  as requested, supply a list of their names and the missing equipment to the Athletic/Activities Director or School Administrator.  
  3. Put away the equipment at the end of the season. Be sure it is clean and properly stored. 
  4. Turn in an accurate inventory of equipment to the Athletic/Activities Director at the end of  the season. Account for any missing equipment.  
  5. If using electronic equipment check it out from the Activities office prior to the season. At the  end of the season be sure and return it promptly to the Activities office.  


  1.  Be enthusiastic about the activity and project that enthusiasm to the participants. Motivate  participants in the program to do their best. 
  2. Expect proper behavior of participants under your supervision. 
  3. Expect and enforce good sportsmanship at all times. Do not tolerate taunting, arguing with  officials, or other self- centered displays by participants and/or coaches representing Belgrade  Schools. 
  4. Be an example for all participants by displaying good sportsmanship at all times. 
  5. Abstain from using alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs while supervising participants. The use  of alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco while supervising students will not be tolerated and will  result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of the coach’s contract and being  ineligible to work for the District in other/future capacities.  
  6. Students who are found to be in violation of the athletic policy for offenses involving  drinking, smoking, or conduct unbecoming of participants during the season, will not be  given a letter in that activity for that year. Furthermore they will not be nominated for post  season accolades and team awards.  
  7. Establish and enforce a curfew on overnight trips. Coaches must supervise the team they are  in charge of managing. Coaches will not leave participants unsupervised in hotels.
  8. Ride the bus to and from away events and supervise the participants on the bus. If a Head  Coach, Middle School Coach or assigned personnel is unable to ride the team bus, notification to the Athletic/Activities Director or Principal is required. However, a coach or  staff member must be supervising the bus on all event trips.  
  9. Demand respect from the participants. Recognize your position is deemed as an authority  figure and exhibiting respectful behaviors with appropriate boundaries are critical. Keep  relationships at a coaching/appropriate level; minimize any social contact with student  participants. If they are a student of yours in an academic environment, ensure impartial  treatment. 
  10.  Refrain from using social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc.) to make statements  or comments that can be viewed as offensive, inappropriate, derogatory towards the District  and may compromise the integrity of Belgrade Activities. Failure to adhere to this may result  in disciplinary action.  
  11.  Abuse directed towards participants either mentally, verbally or physically will not be  tolerated. Using offensive language or swearing should not be a part of your motivational or  leadership approach.  
  12. Be actively involved in teaching the activity at all times during practice and games. Do not  stand and talk to other coaches for extended periods during drills. 
  13. Expect your participants to be model students and school leaders.  
  14. Strive to make Belgrade School Activities the most successful in the state, but more  importantly, the most successful in positive lessons learned by our students. Every coach  from 5th grade through 12th grade is important to the success of the program and should take  pride in serving as a coach. 
  15. Be loyal to Belgrade School District, its coaches, staff, Administration and School Board of  Trustees. 
  16. Be professional in dealing with decisions you disagree with. 


  1. Volunteer coaches in your program must be cleared by the Athletic/Activities Director.  Volunteer coaches will be required to submit a formal application to the Athletic/Activities  Director and any offer of a volunteer coach position will be contingent upon successful  completion of a background check per School Board Policy, #5122. Volunteer Coaches must  abide by the same policies as paid coaches. Provide volunteers with an Athletic Handbook,  go over the expectations and require acknowledgement of the handbook. Volunteer coaches  are required to complete the coach’s certification program just as paid coaches are. The  Montana High School Association (MHSA) has indicated that any post graduate participants that come in to help must be considered a volunteer coach. They will be expected to complete  coach’s certification in order to instruct or compete with participants in practice, and must  complete the NFHS concussion course at their own expense.  
  2. Individuals who volunteer to assist the School District during meets, tournaments, etc. will  not be subjected to a background check with the understanding these volunteers would never  be in a one on one situation with a student in an isolated environment.  
  3. Only team members are allowed to ride the team bus because of safety, liability and insurance  concerns. 
  4. Do not bring your children to practices unless they have been assigned specific tasks or are under supervision of someone other than the coach.  
  5. A practice schedule will be provided to the Athletics/Activities Director. Any modifications  to practice schedule will be provided to the Athletic/Activities Director. 
  6. Prior to travel, coaches need to communicate meal arrangement expectations to the  participants who will be traveling on the trip.  
  7. There will be no scheduled competitions on Wednesday nights if avoidable. Practices should  be finished on time.  
  8. Coaches may restrict the number of participants and coaches traveling to away games or  meets to the number that will fit on the bus.  
  9. Teams may be limited to the MHSA reimbursement guidelines as to the number of players  attending a post season event. Approval of additions by Athletic/Activities Director is  required. 
  10. The Belgrade School district will pay for its high school coaches to attend one in-state clinic  per year. The district will pay for registration costs and rooms. Coaches are expected to attend  the sessions that relate to their coaching assignment. Middle School coaches can request to  attend if space is available. 
  11. The Belgrade Booster Club has been very helpful in their support of our programs. Coaches  should strive to work with them whenever possible and are encouraged to get involved in the  activities of the booster club. 
  12. Students are not allowed to ride to or from competitions with anyone but their own parents or  guardians. They may ride with their parents or guardians only if they have asked for and been  granted permission by the Administration by providing a note requesting permission to ride  with parents, to the Activities office prior to the trip. Exceptions can be made on a case by  case basis by the Head Coach/Coach during a competition/away game if proper  documentation is received to the Head Coach/Coach. 
  13. All coaches should stress off-season work to our participants. Help in organizing off season  training is appreciated at all levels.  

    Students missing school on a game day or practice day may not participate in that game or practice. Students absent on Friday afternoon may participate on Saturday. It is the coach’s  responsibility to check the attendance list daily. The following rules apply:  
  • If a student is absent from school for a limited number of periods for medical, dental,  optometrist, etc. appointment the student can participate in games or practice with  approval from the schools Administration (Principal, Vice Principal, or Athletic  Director). A written excuse from the doctor is required at the High School and may be  requested by the Middle School.  
  • If a student is absent from school for a school sponsored event they can practice or play in  a game that day. 
  • The student may attend practice or play in games with administrative approval if they are  absent for a court appearance, bereavement, a family emergency, or some other reason  deemed acceptable by the school Administration.  
  • If a student is home sick and does not come to school for all or part of the day, the student cannot practice or play.  
  • If a student is in school but absent from class for reasons deemed unexcused, the student  may not participate in games or practices that day.  


  1. All activities will be conducted under the auspices of the Board of Trustees of the Belgrade  Public Schools. 
  2. All activities will be governed by applicable rules of the Belgrade Public Schools, School  Board Policies and the Montana High School Association. 
  3. Special Rules: 
    1. No one other than individuals authorized by the Athletics/Activities or School  Administration shall be involved with a team during practice or games. This expectation is being stressed by the MHSA. 
    2.  On a regular PIR day, district personnel will fulfill PIR duties.  



We recognize that there are applications of electronic devices that can enhance learning in the  classroom. However, unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and  distracts from the learning environment.  

  • Students may use electronic devices on campus before school, during passing times,  during the lunch period, and after school. 
  • These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional day.  Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from  the learning environment.  
  • At no time will any student operate a cell phone or other electronic device with video  capabilities in a locker room, bathroom, or other location where such operation may  violate the privacy right of another person.  
  • Therefore, unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation of the device by school officials,  including classroom teachers, custodians, and supervisory aides. (For further  information, refer to Student Handbooks)  


Employees are strongly discouraged from using their personal cell phone during the work day.  When necessary, employees may use their personal cell phones and similar communication  devices only during non-work time. In no event shall an employee’s use of a cell phone interfere  with the employee’s job obligations and responsibilities. If such use is determined to have  interfered with an employee’s obligations and responsibilities or deemed as excessive by the  Board; the employee may be disciplined in accordance with the Board policies and the terms of  the collective bargaining agreement if applicable. For more information, reference School  Board Policy 5630. 


Any employee who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is abused or neglected,  shall report the matter promptly to the Department of Public Health and Human Services.  Reporting the concern to a counselor or school personnel does NOT satisfy the reporting  requirement.  

The State of Montana has created a toll-free child abuse hotline for facilitating the reporting of  suspected child abuse or neglect. The number to call is 1-866-820-5437 or 1-866-820-KIDS  

Any employee who has knowledge of suspected child abuse or neglect and fails to report is liable  for the damages proximately caused by such failure and is guilty of a misdemeanor. If you are  uncertain how to make a report, go to your Principal, School Counselor or Psychologist for  assistance. 

Once you have reported please inform your supervisor to make them aware of the situation. For  more information, reference  


Overnight Trips: Includes tournaments, festivals, playoff games, and regular season overnight  trips.  

The Principal, Activities/Athletic Director, Transportation Director, Superintendent, or any  combination of these can make the decision to suspend the travel policy and stay overnight if an  emergency situation exists, or if they deem it reasonable to stay over because of the tournament  schedule.  

Student Meals: 

Team meals will be provided for post season competition. The district will not provide meals for  regular season games, meets or tournaments. All meals will be purchased according to School  District Purchasing policy(s). Rates per meal will in accordance with the School Districts per  diem policies.    


The advisor/teacher of all support activities will meet with the school administration and  Athletic/Activities Director and receive permission to attend any post season events. 

Items not covered by the above will be handled by the Athletic/Activities Director, Principal,  and/or Superintendent. Their decision will be final. 


The Chain of Command is a procedure that allows students, coaches, sponsors, parents  and Administration to create a positive atmosphere in our Activity programs and to  promote and enhance the quality of these programs. It is recommended issues raised by  students or parents be addressed immediately with the Head Coach/Coach in an effort to  mediate the situation in a prompt manner. If a student or parent feels uncomfortable with  addressing the issue directly with the Head Coach/Coach, the student or parent(s) is encouraged to approach another coach with the issue and if this is not available, contact  the Athletic/Activities Director.  

Please address any concerns with the person you have a concern with first. If you feel  uncomfortable with that, talk with their superior and arrange a conference with all parties  involved. We believe in our coaches and expect them to be professional in all aspects of  their duties. Some general guidelines to consider: 

  • Always wait 24 hours before talking with the person.  
  • Please do not talk to them on the field, course or court after a contest. 

The standard Chain of Command guidelines have been adopted:  

Primary Chain of Command for Student Concerns  

  • Step 1 Student to Coach/Sponsor 
    The relationship between the student and the coach/sponsor is a very special one that needs to be  encouraged and respected. Students should share their concern directly with the coach.  Hopefully, an atmosphere of trust and openness will evolve between the two that will allow  concerns/questions/commendations to flow freely between. 
  • Step 2 Student/Parent to Activities Director 
    If a student has a concern or commendation he/she would like to address further or does not feel  the decision is fair and just, the student may make an appointment with the Activities Director.  The Athletic/Activities Director will inform the parent and potentially meet with the parent for a  formal meeting. 
  • Step 3 Student to Principal 
    If a student feels they do not feel the decision of the Coach or Athletic Director is fair and just,  they may make an appointment with the appropriate School Principal.  
  • Step 4 Recommendation from Principal to Superintendent 
    If the situation has not been resolved, the Principal will make a recommendation to the  Superintendent. 

Primary Chain of Command for Parent Concerns 

If the parent desires input, he/she should also go through the above chain of command, starting  with the coach/sponsor, then the Athletic/Activities Director, the School Principal and if the issue  remains unresolved, the Parent may request the Superintendent become involved. 

  • Step 1 Parent to Coach (24 hours)
  • Step 2 Parent to Athletic Director  
  • Step 3 Parent to School Principal 
  • Step 4 Parent to Superintendent 

No student or parent will experience retaliation by filing a complaint with any individual  involved in the steps of these processes.  

To ensure resolutions or disagreement can be handled at the lowest level, parents should read and  sign the Belgrade Athletic Program Alternative Resolution Procedure System located at the end  of this handbook. (Appendix A) The form should be returned to the Head Coach/Coach or  Athletic/Activities Director at the Middle School or High School.  


Requests for travel by coaches will be submitted to the athletic/activities director. Requests for  summer workshops, conferences, and clinics will be submitted by May 10th or that request will  be denied. 

Generally only high school coaches will be allowed time off for clinics. It will then be their  responsibility to disseminate information gathered to assistant coaches and provide the building  principal with a written account of the clinic, conference, etc. 

Meetings or clinics which are close to Belgrade and which require no time out of school will  take the precedence over distant meetings.  

Meetings held during the summer, on weekends, or after 4:00 p.m. when school time will not be  lost, will be given highest priority, all other things being equal. 


Open gyms are defined as a place for students to gather to play a specific sport, whether it be the use of fields, wrestling room, weight rooms or the gymnasiums.

Out of concern that our off season activities are keeping our participants from competing during in season activities, we have established the following dates as the earliest allowable dates for open gyms for off season activities:

  • Fall Activities Season: October 1st
    • During the current Fall activities season which runs from August to November, open gyms will not begin until October 1st. 
  • Winter Activities Season: January 15th
    • During the current Winter activities season which runs from November to March, open gyms will not begin until January 15th.  
  • Spring Activities Season: April 20th
    • During the current Spring activities season which runs from March to May, open gyms for other activities will not begin until April 20th.  


All scouting trips will be taken with a district vehicle if they are available. If a district vehicle is  not available then the school district will pay mileage for the use of a private vehicle. Only  coaches may ride in the district vehicle. If personnel other than coaches are riding, then a private  vehicle must be taken. Prior approval will be required if requesting reimbursement for use of  private vehicle.


Due to the high risk and the liability to the school district the weight room will only be used if  school supervision is present. We want everyone to have access to the facility, but we also want  a safe, accident free building. Off season coaches should contact the Administration  Office/Human Resources Director prior to supervising students or the weight room. 


If you are unsure about whether an injured participant should return to competition, error on the  side of caution or seek the advice of a medical provider. Participants who have sustained a  concussion or head injury cannot participate without a medical provider’s release. 


The Board will strive to provide a positive and productive learning and working environment.  Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or hazing, by students, staff, or third parties, is strictly  prohibited and shall not be tolerated. This includes bullying, harassment, or intimidation via  electronic communication devices (“cyberbullying”). (School Board Policy #3226) 

  1. “Hazing” includes but is not limited to any act that recklessly or intentionally  endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of  initiation or as a condition or precondition of attaining membership in or affiliation with any District-sponsored activity or grade-level attainment,  including but not limited to forced consumption of any drink, alcoholic beverage,  drug, or controlled substance, forced exposure to the elements, forced prolonged  exclusion from social contact, sleep deprivation, or any other forced activity that  could adversely affect the mental or physical health or safety of a student; requires, encourages, authorizes, or permits another to be subject to wearing or  carrying any obscene or physically burdensome article, assignment of pranks to be  performed, or other such activities intended to degrade or humiliate. 
  2. “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any act that substantially interferes  with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, that takes place on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored  activity, on school-provided transportation, at any official school bus stop, or anywhere conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat or an attempted  intimidation of a student or staff member or an interference with school purposes  or an educational function, and that has the effect of: 
    • a. Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; 
    • b. Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student’s property.  
    • c. Creating a hostile educational or athletic environment.  
  3. Electronic communication device” means any mode of electronic communication,  including but not limited to computers, cell phones, PDA, social media or the internet.  


All complaints about behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated. Any  student, employee, or third party who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this policy or  feels he/she has been a victim of hazing, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in violation of this  policy is encouraged to immediately report his/her concerns to the building principal or the  District Administrator, who have overall responsibility for such investigations. A student may  also report concerns to a teacher or counselor, who will be responsible for notifying the  appropriate District official. Complaints against the building principal shall be filed with the  Superintendent. Complaints against the Superintendent or District Administrator shall be filed  with the Board. 


No student, on the basis of sex, will be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or  benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or denied equal access  to educational and extracurricular programs and activities. Sexual harassment and sexual  intimidation are both considered sex based discrimination.  

Inquiries regarding discrimination on the basis of sex should be directed to the District Title IX  Coordinator, located in the Belgrade School District Administration Office.  


Sexual Harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or  physical conduct or communications of a sexual nature, including sexual misconduct. Sexual  harassment, including sexual misconduct, can involve persons of the same or opposite sex.  

The District prohibits its students and employees from making sexual advances or requesting  sexual favors or engaging in any conduct of a sexual nature when:  

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or  condition of an individual’s employment;  
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for  employment decisions affecting that individual; and/or  
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the  individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work  environment. 14 

Sexual harassment prohibited by this policy includes verbal or physical conduct. The terms  “intimidating,” “hostile,” or “offensive” include but are not limited to conduct that has the effect  of humiliation, embarrassment, or discomfort. For more information reference School Board  Policy 5012. 


  • Activities to raise money for a wide variety of school activities and equipment are held at various  times in the course of the school year. All fund-raising activities must be conducted under the  direct supervision of staff or other authorized individuals and approved by the building principal  prior to the activities being initiated.  
  • Fund raising request forms are available in the Activities Office. All money raised must be  receipted and deposited with the district. Staff and students should take all reasonable  precautions to provide for the security of any items/materials/products being sold. Staff members  are directed to follow established building procedures for the depositing of funds collected. At  no time should money collected be allowed to accumulate in classrooms, lockers, or other  unsecured areas.  
  • No obligation may be incurred by any staff member, unless that expenditure has been authorized  in the budget or as may otherwise be permitted by the Principal or Superintendent. ∙ No purchase including purchases from student body funds will be authorized unless covered by  an approved purchase order. Forms are available in the Activities Office. 
  • No purchase including purchases from student body funds will be authorized unless covered by an approved purchase order.  Forms are available in the Activities Office.

  • All monies raised or collected by and/or for school-approved student groups are to be receipted  and deposited into a checking account administered by the Business Office. The Principal or  person in charge of the student activities program must approve all student activity fund  expenditures.  


  1. At all varsity football games an ambulance crew will be on hand. In case of injury they can be  signaled by a coach or administrator to come on to the field. 
  2. At non-varsity events or practices, which occur near the school, coaches and managers must  have access to a telephone. Generally, the phone in the tournament office or the coach’s  offices allows the quickest access. Check to make sure you have keys to those areas and that  your managers know how to get in and use the phone there. Each coach should designate who  will tend to the injured participants and who will make the emergency phone call before an  injury occurs. 
  3. If you are practicing away form the school, know where the nearest available phone is or, if  possible, have a cell phone available. 
  4. In case of severe injury DIAL 911. 
  5. For transportation to the hospital DIAL 585-5000. 
  6. To contact the Bozeman Deaconess Belgrade Clinic – Family Medicine Dial 388-3334. 
  7. To contact Zip Clinic Urgent Care in Belgrade Dial 388-8708 
  8. For emergencies at the High School, the ambulance will arrive at the NORTHWEST  CORNER DOOR of the Special Events Center. Parking attendants, if working, will control  traffic for quick entry and exit. Please refer to Belgrade School District Emergency Action  Plan for additional locations and procedures located on the Belgrade School District website.  
  9. For emergencies at the Middle School, the ambulance will arrive at the front door for indoor  sports and on the field for outdoor sports.  
  10. The Athletic/Activities Director, a Principal, Assistant Principal or Coach will greet  emergency personnel and attend to crowd and traffic concerns. 

Reviewed by the Belgrade School Board of Trustees on April 12, 2016 and May  

Approved by the Belgrade School Board of Trustees on June 13, 2016 


Belgrade Athletics Program 

Athletic involvement is highly emotional and very time consuming. Sometimes conflicts arise between students, coaches, and occasionally parents. However, the student's interest is best served when each participant understands the position of the other. This understanding can only be accomplished by open and honest communication. When conflicts or issues arise, it is important that they be addressed immediately and as directly as possible, so that they can be promptly resolved. 

Students and parents should use the/allowing process as a guideline when seeking resolution to conflicts or issues between an athlete and a coach: 

First Step: Contacting the Coach 

The athlete should present the conflict/issue to the coach as soon as possible. If personal contact is not practical, a student may ask his/her team captain to approach the coach. If the personal contact or captain route is not possible, contact may be made by the athlete's parent at an appropriate time. In order for the contact to be as productive as possible, athletes, captains, and parents should avoid contact during the following times: 

  • Prior to, during or immediately following a contest;  
  • During an active practice session;  
  • When other students are present or when it would be readily visible to others that the discussion is taking place;  
  • When it is apparent that there is not sufficient time to allow for a complete discussion. 

The best solution is to ask the coach, either over the phone, in person, or by email if an appointment could be made to discuss the issue. 

Second Step: Contacting the Athletic Director 

If a satisfactory solution is not reached through direct contact with the coach, the student and/or parent should contact the Middle School or High School Athletic/Activities Director. The coach must be informed that this contact is going to be made. If this discussion does not result in a satisfactory conclusion, then a meeting will be scheduled involving all concerned parties in an attempt to reach a satisfactory resolution or agreement.  

There should be no delay in airing any and all concerns. Since this process could take time and athletic seasons are relatively short, it is very important for all students and their parents to know that any comments, concerns or issues presented to the Athletic/Activities Director will be addressed. Parents and students may also expect to hear from the Athletic/Activities Director as to the disposition of their concerns. While there can be no guarantee that all parties will agree with all resolutions or findings, a thorough, respectful airing of different perceptions and experiences can lead to more productive relationships and clearer understandings in the future. 

Third Step: Contacting the Principal 

If there is still not a satisfactory resolution, the student or parent may contact the Middle School or  High School Principal. The Athletic/Activities Director and Coach must be informed that this contact is going to be made. While there can be no guarantee that all parties will agree with all resolutions or findings, a thorough, respectful airing of different perceptions and experiences can lead to more productive relationships and clearer understandings in future communications.  

Fourth Step: Contacting the School Board 

The School Board will only be contacted with the conflict or issue through the appropriate  Principal's recommendation. 


Students and parents must be confident that the voicing of an opinion or concern, using the proper forum and method, is not only free from penalty or retribution, but also is strongly encouraged. The Athletic/Activities Directors and coaches are committed to ensuring that after a student or parent raises an issue or concern, there shall be no "retribution" in any form within the Belgrade Athletic Programs. If at any time, a student or his/her parent suspects that some form of retribution is surfacing as a result of the voicing of a concern, opinion, or issue, using the proper forum and method, he or she should contact the Athletic/Activities Director immediately. 

Parent Alternative Dispute Resolution System 

I understand and agree to follow the Alternative Resolution System outlined for me in this handout.  Should conflict arise, I will approach my child’s coach to alleviate the problem. If a satisfactory solution  is not reached through direct contact with the coach, I will contact the Middle School or High School  Athletic/Activities Director. However, I will contact my child’s coach to let him/her know I will be  contacting the Athletic/Activities Director. I agree not to contact the School Principal, Superintendent  or any School Board member without contacting my child’s coach first and then the Athletic/Activities  Director.  

I understand and agree to follow and support the parent guidelines addressed in this handout. 

  • Parent (print)
    •  Date 
  • Parent (signature)
    • Date
  • Parent (Print)
    • Date 
  • Parent (Signature)
    • Date 

Return original to the Head Coach/Coach or Athletic/Activities Director. Copies may be requested and will be sent to the parent(s)

Belgrade School District Athletics Organizational Chart

Please see the downloaded version for the break down of the chart. 


Failure of a coach to abide by the expectations and guidelines outlined in this handbook could  result in disciplinary action ranging from a letter of reprimand to dismissal from the coaching  staff. 

My signature below indicates that I have received the Coaches Handbook and I have read and  understand the contents.  

  • Coach Signature Printed Name Date 
  • Sport/Activity(s) - List all activities coached. 

Return acknowledgement form to Human Resources within 5 days of hire date. Form will be placed in  the employees personnel file.