Address Changes for Currently Enrolled Belgrade Students: During the school year, contact your school secretary and fill out a new Student Household information sheet with the updated address and home information.
To officially change your student’s address, you are required to provide an address verification document. You must do this even if you have notified your child’s school of the new address.
Acceptable documents are
- Deed, escrow papers, mortgage book or statement, or property tax form
- Lease agreement/ rental contract
- Notarized letter from landlord stating the parent/guardian/caregiver and child live there
- Gas Bill
- Cable Bill
- Water Bill
- Garbage Bill
You will need to provide as well
- Move Effective Date
- New Full Address
- List of children attending Belgrade Public Schools living at the new address
Lynn Brown
K-8 District Registrar
Belgrade School District
Administration Office
If your child rides the bus and will no longer need bus services or now needs bus service, contact Stephanie Banks at the Transportation Department at If your new address change places your K-4 student into a different school boundary, Lynn Brown will make that enrollment change. Enrollment papers do not need to be filled out again. If you need Bus service, please click on the following link to fill out their form: Bus Registration Form If you are unsure as to what boundary you live in you can call Stephanie Banks at the Transportation at 406-924-2621. Look at the Boundary Map
Please contact the administrative office if you have additional questions regarding the information on this page, or If you are experiencing difficulty accessing the information on this page. Please call 406-924-2492.