Kindergarten Readiness Presentation
Kindergarten Readiness
Presented by: Belgrade Public Schools and Early Childhood Community Council (ECCC)
What to expect:
- Introductions
- Social/Emotional
- Reading Readiness
- Math Readiness
- School Information
- Home Visits
- Standards Based Report Cards
Ridge View Elementary
Mat Johnston, Principal
- 409 Students
- 31 Certified Staff
- 21 Classified Staff
Story Creek Elementary
Lori Degenhart, Principal
- 454 Students
- 42 Certified Staff
- 19 Classified Staff
Saddle Peak Elementary
Ashlee Robinson, Principal
- 453Students
- 41 Certified Staff
- 22 Classified Staff
Social & Emotional
- Self-Care
- Making Friends
- Persistence
- Asking for Help
This is how I feel today
- Frustrated
- Embarrassed
- Sad
- Mad
- Nervous
- Happy
- Proud
- Scared
- Loved
- Lonely
- Focus on a task for at least 5 mins, persisting even if there are problems
- "Settle-in" to new groups or situations with minimal stress
- Play cooperatively with two or more peers
- Remember and follow 3-step directions
- Obey simple rules
- Taking care of self
- Dressing independently (clothes, coats, snow pants, putting on shoes, etc)
- Bathroom independence
- Blow and wiping nose
- Clean up after an activity
- Show kindness and empathy to others
- Separation from parents
- Verbalize wants and needs
It's Your Choice!
Do you have a small problem?
Try 2 of Kelso's Choices:
- Go to Another Game
- Talk it Out
- Share and Take Turns
- Ignore It
- Walk Away
- Tell Them to Stop
- Apologize
- Make a Deal
- Wait and Cool Off
If you have a BIG problem, tell an adult you trust.
Parents are a child's first and most important teachers.
Reading Readiness
- Identify and name uppercase and lowercase letters
- First name
- Say the sounds of 12-15 letters
- First name
- Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page
- Read every night - child or parent
- Sing/Chant ABC's
- Point to letters as they sing
- Print their first name
- Uppercase and lower case - at least uppercase
- Handwriting without tears - ball and stick
- Speak using complete sentences with few inaccuracies
- Identify the beginning sound of words
- Say words that rhyme
- Understand opposites
Math Readiness
- Count in order to 20
- Math numbers from 1-20
- Copy, trace and/or draw numbers
- Handwriting without tears
- Match and name shapes
- Square, rectangle, circle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid
- Know 11 colors
- Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, brown, gray, white
- Name and sort objects by color, shape and size
- Recognize numbers and quantities to 10
- One to one correspondence
- We want math to be FUN!
Kinder Kamp
Kids can practice being a kindergartener with certified teachers from Belgrade Public Schools
- Belgrade Public Library
- August
- Look on website for more information
School Information
- Appropriate size backpack
- Big enough to hold folder and gear
- Breakfast- if you choose
- 8:00 am Doors to the schools open
- Breakfast in the Classroom after the bell
- Playground supervision starts at 7:45 am (SP, SC), & 8:00 am (RV)
- 8:00 am Doors to the schools open
- Lunches
- Choices at school- Main entree or salad/sandwich
- Pack lunches that are nutritious and easy to eat in 20 min
- Milk (1%, 2%, Chocolate)
- Free and Reduced- can fill out form at orientation
- Extra Clothes
- Accidents happen
- Coats/ Sweatshirts for fall and spring weather
- 50 degrees
- Appropriate for weather
- School starts at 8:15 and ends at 3:15 (2:15 on Fridays)
- Attendance is key!
- After School Program (United Way) runs until 5:30 pm at each school
- Bus
- Bus Barn: 406-924-2602 or register online at
What a Day in Kindergarten Might Look Like:
- Arrival/Morning Work
- Opening/Morning Meeting
- Math Block
- Snack/ Recess
- Reading Block
- Recess/Lunch
- Handwriting
- Specials (Library, Music, PE)
- Writers Workshop
- Snack/Recess
- Science/ Social Studies/ Art
- Centers/Quiet Time
- Dismissal
Home Visits
- Your child’s teacher will contact you in August to set up a day and time
- Ridge View and Saddle Peak
- Story Creek has a meet and greet at school
- Short and sweet
- No more than 30 min
- Two teachers
- Meet in a comfortable setting
- Lasting relationships
- Home Visit Video on Youtube by momentousinstitute. Closed captioning is available on the video.
Standards Based Report Cards
- Montana State Standards
- A clear picture of your child’s current academic progress at his/her grade level
- Letter grades do not tell parents which skills their children have mastered
- Academic Standards
- Levels of Performance
- 3 - Student can independently complete all parts of the standard
- 2 - Student can independently complete parts of the standard
- 1 - Student needs support to complete parts of the standard
- 0- no Data
- N/A- not assessed
- Example: Student can count to 100 by 1’s and by 10’s
- 3: child can count by 1’s and 10’s independently and consistently
- 2: child can almost count by 1’s and 10’s with support or only part of standard was mastered
- 1: child has not yet reached standard and is receiving support to be successful
- 0: no data
- N/A: not assessed
- Levels of Performance